NASA SoCal GR Track Experience Event Prep Information
We hope you are looking forward to your complementary NASA track experience at one of the great tracks in America!
Below are some items to help you plan for your experience:
- Please arrive at the track no later than 7:00am.
- You will have a driver’s meeting at 8:00am sharp.
- It’s very important to be on time, as the schedule runs extremely tight and we don’t want you to miss out on any of the experience! Parking, unloading, vehicle inspection, etc. will take some time in the morning.
- Try to find a parking space closer to the main buildings because you will be in classroom sessions.
- Please visit google maps, type in track name, and choose satellite view just to get your bearings on the paddock and track layout.
- It may also be helpful to visit, type in “NASA (track name)” and view one of the various videos online to get a sense of the track.
- Please plan to top off your gas tank before arriving at the track. There are fuel pumps on site, but this is one less thing you will want to worry about when you arrive (and expensive).
- Closed toe shoes are required, and long pants are recommended.
- Please empty your car of all non-essential items (cooler, suitcase, etc). You do not want flying projectiles while you are out on track 🙂
- Don’t forget to bring your helmet, *OR* stop by the tech trailer and request a free loaner by stating you are driving in the GR program.
- Place a three digit number on your car, each a different numeral (i.e. 174). You can easily make them out of painter’s tape on site, but all cars MUST have numbers on both sides of the vehicle.

- We suggest folks bring a small tote of some kind to the track with them to leave any essential items in while they are on track. You can bring a small cooler, water bottles, lawn chair, etc. and make a small space for yourself in your parking space. All of your belongings will be safe there while you are driving on track.
- There is a concession stand on site if you want to grab a bite to eat during your event day. You are also welcome to pack a lunch/cooler of your own. Whatever you prefer.
- There is a gate fee at every track which runs between $10-20 per person and gives unlimited access both days.
- Spectators/guests are welcome to join you! It is free for all to attend the event. Guests can park anywhere in the paddock so long as they are not blocking anyone who made need to get out on track. There are a couple different areas that they can hang out and watch while you are out on track. Speak with a NASA official if you would like guidance.
- Spectators/guests will not be permitted to ride with you on track during your sessions.
- You will be done for the day at approximately 5:30pm.
- Get a good night of sleep before and during the event.
- Stay hydrated – Drink lots of water even throughout the day.
Your car will need a tech inspection before you can go on track. If that hasn’t already been done, it can be done at the track once you arrive. OEM safety equipment will pass inspection. Aftermarket equipment must meet standards outlined in the Club Codes & Regulations. Please download and print the NASA tech form and fill out the top portion of the form only (name and car info). You may also take this tech form to any repair shop with an SAE certified tech to perform the inspection prior to the event.
Please keep an eye out for an additional email that will be sent on the week of the event. This will include the full event schedule and other important information.
If you are no longer able to attend the event please submit a cancellation request.
If you have additional questions about the event please do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected]